FAQs for private tutors and tutoring companies interested in using Piqosity for their business including math, English, ACT, SAT, or ISEE test prep.

How do tutoring companies qualify for group discounts?

There is no special process to qualify for our group discount pricing. Interested organizations need only self-register, and the discount will be automatically applied according to the courses selected and number of licenses purchased. Learn more about our group pricing here. However, if your organization has more than 100 students, please contact us for [...]

By |2024-02-22T12:35:33-06:00September 19th, 2022||

Should I register as an educator or an organization?

Register as a tutor or teacher if you do not have authorization to represent your school or company or do not need to manage multiple educators. Register as a tutoring company or school organization if you are authorized to represent your school or company and need to manage multiple educators. Both educator and organization accounts [...]

By |2022-09-19T16:23:56-05:00September 19th, 2022||

Can my tutoring company buy student referrals from Piqosity?

There is no charge to join Piqosity's Educator Referral Network. However, we allow student/ parent users to find tutors by using our Leaderboard and upcoming directory. Any educator or organization on Piqosity has an equal chance of being ranked on the Leaderboard. Every organization receives a no-cost profile page that can help them attract [...]

By |2024-02-22T12:37:45-06:00May 23rd, 2019||
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