Students have now worked more than 10,000 practice questions on Piqosity, largely in tandem with classroom and one-to-one test preparation classes and tutoring. We seek tutors, teachers, and schools to partner with us on deploying Piqosity in the fall. Remember that as a beta product, we don’t want your money just your feedback.

Below and linked is a one-page overview about what Piqosity can do for educators. We’re also working on a case study and implementation guide, which we will post shortly.

Piqosity (pique + curiosity) is a website for students to get individualized, adaptive practice for the ACT1, new P/SAT2, and Upper Level ISEE3 standardized tests.

Student Dashboard

Student Dashboard

Students can work through more than 6,700 practice questions that are tailored to their individual strengths, weaknesses, and goals. These questions are from previously released exams and educator self-publishers; teachers can even contribute their own questions.

With Piqosity, educators no longer have to scrape together practice material from multiple different sources, nor do they have to teach every student the same material regardless of individual strengths, weaknesses, and goals. 

Supporting Educators

Piqosity is a supplement to good teaching and mentoring; it does not supplant the role of the tutor or teacher. Although many questions contain thorough answer explanations, students will need support to remediate or explore new skills and learn from their mistakes.

Piqosity is a cutting-edge, web 2.0, machine learning web application currently in beta. As such, there are no fees to use any of its features. We only ask that you provide your feedback so that we can develop the product that you need.

Teacher Dashboard

Teacher/ Tutor Dashboard

How to Use Piqosity as an Educator

  1. Have students create their own learner account
  2. Create an educator account
    1. Add a class
    2. Invite students to join your class
    3. Ensure students accept the invitation
  3. Instruct students to work at their own pace in their learner accounts and monitor their progress in your educator dashboard

Connect with Us

123ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc. SAT and PSAT are trademarks of The College Board. ISEE is a trademark of ERB. ACT, College Board, and ERB are neither affiliated with nor do they endorse Piqosity.